Solid wood framed, 3D bathymetric (underwater topographic map) chart carved in Baltic Birch wood. Intricate detail is carved in relief and laser etched creating a unique print & accurate work of art. The finishing techniques bring out the natural wooden grain of the Baltic Birch. This nautical work of art is a fantastic addition to any type of decor - from modern to traditional to coastal to farmhouse. It also makes for an excellent gift!
Enlarge image to see all detailed features on map. See additional images for close-ups.
Measures: 24.5" x 31" x 2"
Wood Grain & Stain Color may slightly vary from images shown
About Alaska
In a deal known as Seward's Folly, The United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867, for 7.2 million dollars. Many people thought this was a waste, until they discovered gold! It was admitted as the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. Alaska is the largest U.S. state, by far and is twice as big as the state of Texas.
All maps ship double boxed in secure packaging, including four corners of styrofoam protection inside the shipping box.
All in stock items will be shipped within 24 business hours of order confirmation. Expedited options for shipping, including estimated delivery times, are available at checkout. Pre-orders will be clearly marked as such on the product page and will list approximate restocking times.
- Admiralty Island
- Aklavik
- Akunik Pass
- Alakanuk
- Alaska
- Alaska Peninsula
- Alaska Range
- Alatna River
- Albatross Bank
- Aleknagik
- Aleutian Islands
- Aleutian Trench
- Allakaket
- Alsek Valley
- Amak Island
- Ambler
- Amguema
- Amguyema River
- Amukta Pass
- Anadyr
- Anadyrskiy Estuary
- Anadyrskiy Gulf
- Anaktuvuk Pass
- Anchitka Pass
- Anchorage
- Anderson
- Andreanof Islands
- Aniak
- Applequist Seamount
- Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- Arctic Red River
- Attu
- Awuna River
- Banka Bruks
- Baranof Island
- Barren Islands
- Barter Island
- Bean Seamount
- Beautfort Sea
- Beaver Creek
- Belyaka Bar
- Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
- Beringovsky
- Bering Sea
- Bering Strait
- Besharo Island
- Bethel
- Bettles
- Billings
- Blossom Shoals
- Blow River
- Bowers Basin
- Bowers Ridge
- Bowie Seamount
- Brevig Mission
- Bristol Bay
- British Columbia
- Brooks Range
- Brown Seamount
- Buckland
- Buldir Island
- Camden Bay
- Canada
- Canning River
- Cape Constantine
- Cape Darby
- Cape Ikigur
- Cape Netten
- Cape Newenham
- Cape Rodney
- Carmacks
- Central
- Chalkyitsik
- Chandalar
- Chandalar River
- Chandler River
- Chariot
- Chefornak
- Chevak
- Chevgtun River
- Chichagof Island
- Chicken
- Chiniak Bay
- Chirikof Seamount
- Chirtkof Island
- Christian River
- Chugach Islands
- Circle
- Cold Bay
- Coldfoot
- Coleen River
- Colville River
- Cook Inlet
- Copper River
- Copperville
- Cordova
- Cowie Seamount
- Crooked Creek
- Crossley Lakes
- Dall Seamount
- Dawson
- Dease Inlet
- Dease Lake
- Deering
- Deer Island
- Delta Junction
- Demarcation Bay
- Denali
- Denali National Park and Preserve
- Derickson Seamount
- Destruction Bay
- Dickins Seamount
- Durgin Seamount
- Eagle Village
- East Fork Chandalar River
- Eek
- Egtgik
- Egvekinot
- Ekityki Lake
- Emmonak
- Etolin Strait
- Fairbanks
- Faris Seamount
- Faro
- Firth River
- Fort Good Hope
- Fort McPherson
- Fort Yukon
- Galena
- Gambell
- Garry Island
- Gates of the Arctic National Park and Reserve
- Giacomini Seamount
- Gibson Seamount
- Gilbert Seamount
- Graham Island
- Graham Seamount
- Grayling
- Gulf of Alaska
- Gustavus
- Hagemeiser Island
- Haines
- Haines Junction
- Harrison Bay
- Hart River
- Hecate Strait
- Hecht Seamount
- Herald Island
- Herald Shoal
- Herschel Island
- Hodgkins Seamount
- Holitna River
- Holy Cross
- Homer
- Hooper Bay
- Hulahula River
- Huslia
- Hutchinson Bay
- Hyndman Lake
- Ice Bay
- Idlidlya Island
- Ikpikpuk River
- Inchoun
- Innoko River
- Inuvik
- Iroquois River
- Ivvavik National Park
- John River
- Jones Seamount
- Juneau
- Kaglik Lake
- Kaltag
- Kanchalan
- Kavik River Camp
- Kayak Island
- Kenai Peninsula
- Kenal
- Ketchikan
- Ketik River
- Khatyrka
- Kiana
- Kigalik River
- Kiska Island
- Kittigazult
- Kivalina
- Kiwiktalik Mountains
- Kluane Lake
- Koalak River
- Kobuk River
- Kobuk Valley National Park
- Kodiak Island
- Kodiak Seamount
- Kokolik River
- Kolyuchin Island
- Kolyuchinskaya Bay
- Komoyneyveyem River
- Komsomol’skiy
- Konergino
- Kongakut River
- Kotlik
- Kotzebue
- Kotzebue Sound
- Koyuk
- Koyuk River
- Koyukuk
- Koyukuk River
- Krasneno
- Kremizin Islands
- Kresta Gulf
- Kugaluk River
- Kukpowruk River
- Kuk River
- Kulakak Bay
- Kupuruk River
- Kuskokwim Bay
- Kuskokwim River
- Kusveyem
- Kuvet
- Kwethluk
- Lake Clark
- Lake Minchumina
- Ledyard Bay
- Leningradsky
- Little Sitkin Island
- Livengood
- Liverpool Bay
- Mackenzie Bay
- Mackenzie Delta
- Mackenzie Mountains
- Maguire Islands
- Malcolm River
- Marchand Seamount
- Marmot Island
- Marshall
- Mayo
- Mayo Lake
- McGrath
- McKinley Bay
- Meade River
- Mekoryuk
- Meynypilgyno
- Middleton Island
- Miller Seamount
- Mountain Village
- Mount Bear
- Mount Blackburn
- Mount Bona
- Mount Edziza Provincial Park
- Mount Fairweather
- Mount Foraker
- Mount Hubbard
- Mount Katmai
- Mount Sanford
- Mount St Elias
- Mount Vancouver
- Murray Canyon
- Mys Shmidta
- Naknek Lake
- Nanushuk River
- Naukan
- Near Islands
- Nenana
- New Stuyabok
- Nigisaktuvik River
- Nisga’a
- Nisling Range
- Ni’Iinlii Njik Territorial Park
- Noatak National Preserve
- Noatak River
- Nome
- Noorvik
- North Fork Koyukuk River
- North Fork Kuskokwim River
- North Pole
- Northwest Territory
- Norton Bay
- Nuiqsut
- Nulato
- Nunivak Island
- Nunligran
- Nushagak Hills
- Okpilak River
- Old Crow
- Opuka
- Oshawa Seamount
- Otrozhny
- Ouinhagak
- Ozero Mainii
- Ozero Pekul’Neyskoye
- Palmer
- Parker Seamount
- Pastol Bay
- Pathfinder Seamount
- Patton Seamount
- Pavlof Bay
- Peard Bay
- Peel River
- Peel River Preserve
- Pegtymel
- Pelly Crossing
- Pelly Island
- Pelly River
- Peters Ridge
- Pilot Point
- Pinnacle Island
- Point Barrow
- Point Hope
- Point Lay
- Point Litke
- Polyarny
- Porcupine River
- Port Clarence
- Port Heiden
- Portlock Bank
- Port Safety
- Pratt Seamount
- Prince of Wales Island
- Prince Rupert
- Pritchett Seamount
- Prudhoe Bay
- Pulien Island
- Putnam Seamount
- Queen Charlotte Sound
- Quinn Seamount
- Rampart House
- Ramparts Plateau
- Red Dog Mine
- Reindeer Station
- Richards Island
- Richardson Mountains
- River Anadyr
- River Tanyurer
- Rogers Cove
- Rude Canyon
- Russell Inlet
- Russia
- Sagavanirktok River
- Sanak Island
- Savonga
- Scammon Bay
- Schoppe Tablemount
- Seguila Island
- Selawik
- Selawik Lake
- Selawik River
- Semid Islands
- Seward
- Seward Peninsula
- Shaktoolik
- Shaviovik River
- Sheenjek River
- Shishmaref
- Shumagin Bank
- Shumagin Islands
- Shungnak
- Sinuk River
- Sirius Seamount
- Sitka
- Sitka Sound
- Skagway
- Skeena River
- Sleetmute
- Smdgi Lake
- Smoke River
- Smook Seamount
- Snake River
- Soldotna
- South Fork Koyukuk River
- South Fork Kuskokwim River
- Southwest Cape
- St. Lawrence Island
- St. Matthew Island
- Stamukhi Shoal
- Stevens Village
- Stewart River
- Stikine Plateau
- Stony River
- Stuart Island
- Surveryor Seamount
- Sutwik Island
- Tagagawik River
- Talikoot
- Talkeetna Mountains
- Tamvatney
- Tanana
- Tanana River
- Tanana Valley State Forest
- Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Park
- Teshekpuk Lake
- Teslin
- Teslin Lake
- Tituluk River
- Togiak
- Tonereltorgin
- Topagoruk River
- Travaillant Lake
- Tsiigehtchie
- Tugidak Island
- Tuktoyaktuk
- Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula
- Uel’kal
- Ugashik Bay
- Ukelayat
- Ulm Plateau
- Umnak Island
- Unalakleet
- Unalaska Island
- Unimak Island
- Unimak Pass
- United States
- Ushakovskoye
- Ust-Belaya
- Utukok Pass
- Utukok River
- Valdez
- Vankarem River
- Venetie
- Vuntut National Park
- Wainwright
- Wainwright Inlet
- Wasilla
- Welker Seamount
- Wevok
- Whitehorse
- White Marsh Seamount
- Whittier
- Wind River
- Wiseman
- Wrangel Island
- Wrangell
- Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
- Yanrakynnot
- Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve
- Yukon Delta N.W.R.
- Yukon River
- Yukon Territory
- Yulinu
- Yurumkuveyem