Darien is an extremely affluent town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, and is among the wealthiest towns in both Connecticut and the United States with a median household income of $208,125, and a median home value of $1,248,200. Located just 37 miles northeast of New York City, many residents commute to Manhattan for work by train. The town boasts eleven parks, two public beaches, three country clubs, a hunt club, and the Noroton Yacht Club.
- Albin Road
- Andrews Drive
- Anthony Lane
- Arrowhead Way
- Baker Park
- Beach Drive
- Bell Island
- Bell Island Beach
- Bluff Ave.
- Boston Post Road
- Brookside Drive
- Brush Island Road
- Burns Road
- Butlers Island
- Butlers Island Road
- Cedar Gate Road
- Coachlamp Road
- Contentment Island
- Contentment Island Road
- Cove Harbor
- Cove Island
- Cove Island Park
- Cove Road
- Covewood Drive
- Crane Road
- Crest Road
- Crockett Street
- Cross Road
- Darien
- Delafield Island Road
- Dora Street
- Driftway Lane
- Dubois Street
- East Cove Island Beach
- Edgerton Street
- Elm Street
- Euclid Ave.
- Fairfield Ave.
- Farm Creek
- Fitch Ave.
- Five Mile River
- Five Mile River Road
- Gardiner Street
- Goodwives River
- Gorhams Pond
- Governer John Davis Lodge Turnpike
- Great Island
- Greens Ledge
- Greens Ledge Lt.
- Greenway Island
- Hale Lane
- Hallow Tree Ridge Road
- Harbor Ledge
- Hays Island
- Hecker Ave.
- Heights Road
- Herman Ave.
- Highland Ave.
- Hillside Ave.
- Hilton Street
- Hollister Lane
- Holly Pond
- Homewood Lane
- Houston Terrace
- Hunt Street
- Indian Spring Road
- Juniper Road
- LaForge Road
- Ledge Road
- Locust Hill Road
- Long Island Sound
- Long Neck Point
- Long Neck Point Road
- Maple Street
- Mathews Street
- McKinley Street
- Middlebury Street
- Morley Lane
- Nash Island
- Nat Clocks Rk.
- Nearwater Lane
- Noroton
- Noroton Ave.
- Noroton Heights
- Noroton Neck
- North Road
- Old Farm Road
- Old Kings Highway South
- Outlook Drive
- Park Place
- Pasture Lane
- Pear Tree Point Beach
- Pear Tree Point Road
- Pine Point Road
- Pleasant Street
- Plymouth Road
- Pratt Island
- Queens Lane
- Raiders Lane
- Relihan Road
- Ridgeley Street
- Rings End Road
- Roton Ave.
- Roton Point
- Rowayton
- Rowayton Ave.
- Rowayton Ave.
- S Tony Brook
- Salem Straits
- Saltbox Lane
- Sammis Street
- Scott Cove
- Searles Road
- Shipway Road
- Stanton Road
- Sunswyck Road
- Swifts Lane
- The Gut
- Tokeneke
- Tokeneke Creek
- Tokeneke Park
- Tokeneke Trail
- Tory Hole Road
- Wallacks Lane
- Waterbury Ave.
- Waverly Road
- Weed Ave.
- Weed Beach
- Weed Beach Park
- West Ave.
- Wilson Ave.
- Witch Lane
- Woodland Drive
- Woodland Park
- Yarmouth Road
- Zieglers Cove