Holy Land Map
The designer and creator of the detailed Nautical Wood Maps, David Michael, was recently inspired by the children of his local church located in Michigan. This inspiration encouraged him to create a map that depicts the Holy Land at the time of Christ. The details of the map include the ancient provinces of Decapolis, Samaria, Perea, and Judea. David will dedicate all the proceeds from the sale of the map to his church, St. Mary of the Assumption.
- Accaron
- Acco
- Achzib
- Adora
- Anthedon (Agrippias)
- Antipatris
- Arbela
- Archelais
- Arimathaea
- Arimethea
- Aroer
- Ashkelon
- Azotus
- Beersheba
- Bethabara
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Beth Haccerem
- Beth Horon
- Bethlehem
- Bethletepha
- Beth Nimrah
- Bethsaida Julius
- Beth-Zur
- Brook Cedron
- Caesarea
- Caesarea Philippi
- Cana
- Capernaum
- Chorazin
- Decapolis
- Dibon
- Dor
- Dothan
- Emmaus
- En Gedi
- Ephraim
- Gadara
- Galilee
- Gaulanitis
- Gaza
- Gazera
- Gerasa
- Gergesa
- Gilead
- Gischala
- Gophna
- Great Sea
- Halfa
- Hebron
- Herodium
- Heshbon
- Holy Land Map
- Idumea
- Jacob’s Well
- Jamnia
- Jericho
- Jerusalem
- Jodfat
- Joppa
- Judea
- Juttah
- Kanah
- Kedesh
- Kidron
- Kirjath Jearim
- Kir Moab
- Lydda
- Machacrus
- Magdala
- Mareshah
- Masada
- Medeba
- Megiddo
- Meron
- Michmash
- Modin
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Gertzim
- Mount Gilboa
- Mount Hermon
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Tabor
- Nabatea
- Nain
- Nazareth
- Paneas
- Pella
- Perea
- Phasaclis
- Philadelphia
- Philistia
- Phoenicia
- Plain of Sharon
- Qumran
- Ramah
- River Arnon
- River Jabbok
- River Jordan
- River Kishon
- Salim
- Samaria
- Sea of Galilee
- Sebaste
- Sepphorts
- Seychar
- Seythopolis
- Shikmona
- Shiloh
- Sidon
- Syria
- Tagbha
- Tekoa
- Thamna
- The Dead Sea
- Tiberias
- Tyre
- Valley of Esdraelon
- Zarephath