Jamaica, a Caribbean island nation, has a diverse landscape of lush mountains, rainforests and reef-lined beaches. Visitors enjoy everything from diving and snorkeling, to all-inclusive resorts, to British-colonial architecture, as well as the museum of the famed Jamaican reggae singer, Bob Marley.
- Accompong Moon
- Albert Town
- Alligator Pond
- Bath
- Black River
- Blue & John Crow Mountains National Park
- Bluefields
- Blue Mountain Peak
- Blue Mountains
- Bog Walk
- Boston Bay
- Browns Town
- Buff Bay
- Bull Bay
- Cabarita River
- Cambridge
- Carlisle Bay
- Chapelton
- Claremont
- Cockpit Country
- Cousins Cove
- Discovery Bay
- Dry Harbour Mountains
- Duncans
- Ewarton
- Falmouth
- Folly Bay
- Frankfield
- Great Goat Island
- Great Pedro Bay
- Great Pedro Pond
- Great River Bay
- Green Island
- Harewood
- Harkers Hall
- Hayes
- Hellshire Beach
- Highgate
- Holland Bay
- Jamaica
- Kingston
- Linstead
- Lionel Town
- Little Bay
- Little London
- Maccary Bay
- Maggotty
- Manatee Bay
- Mandeville
- Manee Bay
- Maroon Town
- May Pen
- Montego Bay
- Montpelier
- Morant Bay
- Negril
- Ocho Rios
- Old Harbour
- Orange Bay
- Osbourne Shore
- Plantation Garden River
- Port Antonio
- Portland Bight
- Port Maria
- Port Morant
- Portmore
- Port Royal
- Reading
- Reggae Falls
- Runaway Bay
- Salt Bay
- Sandy Bay
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Cruz Mountains
- Savanna la Mar
- Seaforth
- Spanish Town
- Spring Plain
- Spur Tree
- St. Ann’e Bay
- Stony Hill
- Thompson Town
- Treasure Beach
- Troja
- Troy
- Wag Water River
- Wakefield
- West Harbour
- White Bay
- White House
- Yallahs
- Yallahs Bay