Lake Winnipesaukee
New Hampshire’s largest lake within the Lakes Region is that of Lake Winnipesaukee - stretching out roughly 21 miles long and averaging between 1 to 9 miles wide. It has a total coverage of about 69 square miles with the center of it commonly known as The Broads. Within the lake’s 288 miles of shoreline there are at least 258 small islands – most under a quarter acre in size. Its continuous outflow is regulated by the Lakeport Dam. Nearby are New England’s largest lakes, Lake Champlain and Moosehead Lake. Tourists from all over have ventured out to Lake Winnipesaukee for over a century to try and beat the summer heat and seek refuge from neighboring heat waves in Boston and New York City. Originally founded by the Native Americans who once dwelled in this region, they came up with this appropriate name which means “smile of the Great Spirit.” At the lake’s outlet, the Winnipesaukee Indians not only built their homes there but also fished at the nearby village of Acquadocton.
- Aaron Rd.
- Advent Cove
- Alton
- Alton Bay
- Ambrose Cove
- Ash Cove
- Avery South Point
- Ayers Point
- Barnard Ridge Rd.
- Barndoor Island
- Batson Pond
- Bay St.
- Beach Rd.
- Bean Rd.
- Bear Island
- Bear Point
- Bear Pond
- Beaver
- Beaver Branch
- Beech Pond Rd.
- Beech River
- Belknap Mountain Rd.
- Belknap Mountain State Forest
- Birch Hill Island
- Birch Island
- Birchwood Island
- Black Branch
- Black Cat
- Black Cove
- Black Island
- Black Point
- Blackey Cove
- Braun Bay
- Bulrush Point
- Buzzell Cove
- Camp
- Carr Point
- Cass Point
- Castle Shore Rd.
- Center Harbor
- Center Tuftonboro
- Chase Point
- Chase Point Rd.
- Chases Island
- Cherry Valley Rd.
- Chestnut Cove
- Chestnut Cove Rd.
- Clark Rd.
- Clarks Landing
- Clay Pit Branch
- Clay Point
- Coleman Point
- Cove Island
- Cow Island
- Crescent
- Crescent Lake
- Daniel Webster Hwy
- Diamond
- Dow
- Drew Hill Rd.
- Eagle Shore Rd.
- East Cove
- East Side Dr.
- Eaton Ave.
- Echo Point
- Edgerly Rd.
- Elkins Point
- Farm Island
- Farrar Point
- Federal Corner Rd.
- Fernald Branch
- Ferry Rd.
- Fish
- Follett Rd.
- Footes Pond
- Forest Rd.
- Forest Rd.
- Fort Point
- Frost Branch
- Garland Pond
- Garnet Point
- Gilford Ave.
- Gilman Pond
- Glines Island
- Governors Island
- Greens Basin
- Gunstock Hill Rd.
- Halfway Branch
- Hall Point
- Hanson Cove
- Harvey Branch
- Heath Branch
- Hersey Branch
- Hilliard Rd.
- Hoits Point
- Hornets Nest Point
- Hull Island
- Hurd Branch
- Intervale Rd.
- Johnson Cove
- Jolly Island
- Keniston
- Keyser Rd.
- Kinneho
- Knights Pond
- Lake Kanasatka
- Lake Shore Rd.
- Lake Wankewan
- Lake Wentworth
- Lake Winnisquam
- Lane Rd.
- Lang Pond Rd.
- Langley Cove
- Ledge Hill Rd.
- Lees Pond
- Lily Pond
- Little Bear Island
- Little Pond
- Livingston Rd.
- Lockes
- Long Island
- Long Point Rd.
- Loon Cove
- Lower Beech Pond
- Lund Rd.
- Main St.
- Mark Island
- Mead Branch
- Melody
- Melvin Bay
- Melvin Island
- Melvin Village
- Meredith
- Meredith Center Rd.
- Meredith Neck Rd.
- Middle Rd.
- Mile Island
- Millstone Point
- Minge Cove
- Mink
- Mirror Lake
- Morrison Cove
- Moultonboro Bay
- Moultonboro Neck Rd.
- Mountain Rd.
- Mt. Major State Forest
- Nineacre Island
- Nineteenmile Branch
- North Line Rd.
- North Main St.
- Oak Island
- Old Long Island Rd.
- Old North Maind St.
- Old Wolfeboro Rd.
- Opechee Bay
- Page Branch
- Parade Rd.
- Paugus Bay
- Pease Rd.
- Penny Island
- Pick Point
- Pickerel Cove
- Pickerel Pond
- Pickerel Pond Rd.
- Pine Hill Rd.
- Pine Island
- Pinnacle Park Rd.
- Pipers Point
- Pleasant Valley Rd.
- Pork Hill Rd.
- Powder Mill Rd.
- Quarry Rd.
- Raouls Cove
- Rattlesnake Island
- Red Hill
- Red Hill Rd.
- Redding Lane
- Rines Rd.
- Roberts Cove
- Roberts Cove Rd.
- Round Island
- Round Pond
- Rugged Island
- Rust Pond
- Sallys Cut
- Salmon Meadow Cove
- Saltmarsh Pond
- Saltmarsh Pond Rd.
- Sanders Bay
- Sandy Island
- Sandy Point
- Sargents Pond
- Seven Sisters Islands
- Sewall Rd.
- Sewalls Point
- Shaker Jerry Rd.
- Shannon Branch
- Shore Dr.
- Sibley Rd.
- Sixmile Island
- Sleepers Island
- Smith Cove
- Smith Point
- South Point
- South Wolfeboro
- Spectacle Island
- Spring Haven
- Springfield Point
- Stamp Act Island
- Stonedam Island
- Sunrise Dr.
- Swetts Point
- The Basin
- Three Islands
- Threemile Island
- Timber Island
- Triggs Island
- Tuftonboro Neck
- Twentymile Bay
- Twentymile Branch
- Union Wharf Rd.
- Upper Beech Pond
- Upper Mile Point Dr.
- Varney Point
- Wakondah Pond
- Watson Branch
- Waukewan St.
- Weirs Beach
- Weirs Rd.
- Welch Island
- West Alton Branch
- White Oaks Rd.
- Whittier Hwy
- Whortleberry Island
- Wiley Branch
- Winaukee Rd.
- Wingate Branch
- Wingate Cove
- Winter Harbor
- Wolfeboro
- Wolfeboro Bay
- Wolfeboro Neck
- Woodmans Cove
- Worcester Island
- Youngs Cove