Malibu is an affluent ocean city 30 miles west of downtown Los Angeles, California. The area is known for being the home of Hollywood movie stars, people in the entertainment industry, and other wealthy residents. Most Malibu residents live within a few hundred yards of the Pacific Coast Highway, which traverses the city, with some residents living up to a mile away from the beach up narrow canyons. Beaches along the Malibu coast include Surfrider Beach, Zuma Beach, Malibu Beach, Topanga Beach, Point Dume Beach, County Line, and Dan Blocker Beach. The beaches are very popular with surfers and the Pacific Coast Highway is adored by car, motorcycle, and cycling enthusiasts. California State Parkland carpets the hills behind Malibu, and provides extensive horseback-riding, hiking, running, and mountain-biking options.
- 11th Street
- 23rd Street
- 23rd Street
- 26th Street
- 4th Street
- Abbot Kinney Blvd.
- Amalfi Dr.
- Amarillo Beach
- Arizona Ave.
- Armacoast Ave.
- Ballona Creek
- Ballona Lagoon
- Beethoven Street
- Big Rock
- Big Rock Beach
- Bonsall Drive
- Broadway
- Busch Drive
- Carbon Beach
- Carbon Canyon Road
- Carlyle Ave.
- Cavalleri Road
- Central Malibu
- Chautauqua Blvd.
- Cliffside Drive
- Coastline Drive
- Colorado Ave.
- Corral Canyon
- Corral Canyon Park
- Corral Canyon Road
- Culver Blvd.
- Cuthbert Road
- Dan Blocker Beach
- Del Rey Lagoon
- Dewey Ave.
- Dry Canyon
- Dume Cove
- Dume Drive
- Eastern Malibu
- Escandido Beach
- Escandido Canyon
- Escandido Canyon Park
- Euclid Street
- Falmouth Ave.
- Fernhill Drive
- Fiji Way
- Grand Canal Speedway
- Harvester Road
- Inglewood Blvd.
- Iowa Ave.
- Kanan Dume Road
- La Costa Beach
- Lagoon Beach
- Las Flores Canyon
- Las Tunas State Beach
- Latigo Canyon Road
- Latigo Point
- Lechuza Point
- Lincoln Blvd.
- Malibu
- Malibu
- Malibu Beach
- Malibu Bluffs Park
- Malibu Canyon Road
- Malibu Circle
- Malibu Equestrian Park
- Malibu Point
- Malibu Road
- Malibu State
- Marguerita Ave.
- Marina del Ray
- Memorial Park
- Mid-City
- Mindanao Way
- Montana Ave.
- Morning View Drive
- Murphy Way
- National Blvd.
- Neilson Way
- North of Montana
- Ocean Ave.
- Ocean Park
- Ocean Park Blvd.
- Olympic Blvd.
- Pacific Coast Highway
- Pacific Palisades
- Palms Blvd.
- Paseo Canyon Drive
- Pearl Street
- Pena Canyon
- Penmar Ave.
- Pico
- Pico Blvd.
- Piedra Gorda Canyon
- Pirates Cove
- Playa del Ray
- Point Dume
- Puerco Beach
- Puerco Canyon
- Ramirez Canyon
- Rose Ave.
- Rustic Creek
- S. Barrington Ave.
- S. Bundy Drive
- S. Centinela Ave.
- San Diego Freeway
- San Vincete Ave.
- Santa Monica
- Santa Monica Bay
- Santa Monica Blvd.
- Santa Monica Freeway
- Santa Monica Mountains National Recreaction Area
- Santa Monica State Beach
- Santa Ynez Lake
- SMO Airport
- Solstice Canyon
- Stanford Street
- Steep Hill Canyon
- Sunset Ave.
- Sunset Blvd.
- Sunset Park
- Temescal Canyon Road
- Texas Ave.
- Topanga Beach
- Topanga Creek
- Trancas Canyon Road
- Tuna Canyon Road
- Venice
- Venice Beach
- Venice Blvd.
- W. Pico Blvd.
- W. Washington Blvd.
- Walgrove Ave.
- Walnut Canyon
- Washington Ave.
- West Los Angeles
- Westward Beach
- Will Rogers State Beach
- Wilshire Blvd.
- Winter Canyon
- Zuma Beach
- Zuma Canyon
- Zuma Lagoon
- Zuma Ridge Mountainway
- Zumirez Drive