The second largest of the Hawaiian Islands, the island of Maui stretches out to an impressive 727 square miles, making it the 17th largest in the United States. Nestled in the Central Pacific, this well-known and highly sought-after area is part of the Hawaiian archipelago with the sprawling Haleakala National Park which encompasses the island’s highest peak, volcanic Haleakala, and is well known for its winding Hana Highway and the waterfalls and pools of Ohe’o Gulch. Peppered with artist communities and quaint little towns, Maui is often referred to as the “Valley Isle” and with an average population of 144,444, it comes in third with its volume of residence - just behind those islands of O’ahu and Hawai’i Island. From the 30 miles of shimmering beaches to the breathtaking sunsets and migrating humpback whales, it’s no wonder why Maui has been voted best island for more than twenty years.
- Ahihi Bay
- Akupu Gulch
- Alalakeiki Channel
- Alenuihaha Channel
- Auau Channel
- Baldwin Ave.
- Crater Rd.
- Ha’iku
- Ha’o’u
- Hakioawa
- Haleakala
- Haleakala Hwy
- Haleakala National Park
- Halepalaoa Beach
- Hana
- Hana Bay
- Hana Hwy
- Hanawi Stream
- Hekili Point
- Ho’okipa
- Honoapiilani Hwy
- Honokanai’a Bay
- Honoko’a Bay
- Honokohau Stream
- Honokowai Stream
- Honolua Stream
- Honomanu Bay
- Honomanu Stream
- Huelo
- Iao Valley State Park
- Ka’anapali
- Ka’apahu Bay
- Kahakuloa
- Kahakuloa Bay
- Kahakuloa Steam (‘Stream’ is misprinted on the map)
- Kahan
- Kahana Stream
- Kaho’olawe
- Kahoma Stream
- Kahului
- Kahului Bay
- Kailua
- Kailua Stream
- Kalama Beach Park
- Kamaole Beach Park
- Kamehamaha V Hwy
- Kamohio Bay
- Kanaloa Point
- Kanama
- Kanapou Bay
- Kaneloa Gulch
- Kapalua
- Kapia Stream
- Kaua’ula Stream
- Kaulana Gulch
- Kaupo
- Ke’anae
- Kealaikahiki Channel
- Keokea
- Keoncoio
- Kihei
- Kipahulu
- Kipaulu
- Koali
- Kokomo
- Kuau
- Kuia Shoal
- Kuihelani Hwy
- Kula Hwy
- La perouse Bay
- Lae’O Halona
- Lae’O Kuikui
- Lahaina
- Lana’i
- Launiupoko
- Lopa Beach
- Lua Makika
- Ma’alaea
- Ma’alaea Bay
- Mailepai Stream
- Makawao
- Makawao
- Makena
- Maliko Gulch
- Mamalu Bay
- Manawainui Stream
- Mapulehu
- Maui
- Moa’ula...
- Mokaho’Oniki
- Mokulele Hwy
- Moloka’i
- Molokiui
- Murphy’s Beach
- Napili
- Olowalu Stream
- Olowalul
- Opana Gulch
- Pa’ia
- Pa’u Kukui
- Pailolo Channel
- Palikea Stream
- Papawai Point
- Pauwela
- Peahi
- Pi’ilani Hwy
- Pi’ina’au Stream
- Piiholo Rd.
- Pipiwai Stream
- Pu’ukana
- Pukalani
- Pulehu
- Pulehu Rd.
- Rainbows
- Sandy Beach
- South Waiehu Stream
- The Cove
- Uaoa Bay
- Ulumalu
- Ulupalakua
- Waialua
- Waialua Stream
- Waiehu
- Waihee River
- Waihonu Gulch
- Waikahalulu Bay
- Waikahalulu Gulch
- Waikamoi Stream
- Waikapu
- Wailea
- Wailua
- Wailua Stream
- Wailuaiki Streams
- Wailuku
- Waiohonu Stream
- Waipoli Rd.