Narragansett Serving Tray
The beautifully scenic seaside town of Narragansett is not only its own thriving suburban community within the “Ocean State,” but is also 30 minutes from Newport, a 90-minute drive to Boston, and New York City is just a quick 3-hour jaunt away. The rich history of Narragansett is still visible today from its once wealthy community start as its own town in 1901. The beaches are a huge attraction for locals and visitors alike, with Scarborough State Beach stretching out to 2,325 feet of sandy frontage. Each year, thousands of tourists flock to this area for its year-round activities, amazing beaches, and natural environment as New England’s largest estuary expanding out 147 miles and whose harbor includes a small archipelago. What’s more is that there are over 30 islands in the Narragansett Bay - with the 3 largest of them being Aquidneck Island, Conanicut Island, and Prudence Island, all of which open to the Rhode Island Sound and the great Atlantic Ocean.
- Allen Harbor
- Almy Pond
- Annaquatucket River
- Apponang Cove
- Aquidneck Island
- Arnold Point
- Bailey River
- Ballock Cove
- Barker River
- Barrington
- Bay St.
- Bayside
- Beaver Neck
- Belcher Cove
- Belleville Pond
- Bellevue Ave
- Bisse Cove
- Black Point
- Bluff Point
- Borden River
- Boston Neck
- Boston Neck Rd.
- Branch Wesport River
- Brenton Cove
- Brenton Reef
- Brickyard Pond
- Briggs Marah
- Bristol
- Bristol Harbor
- Bristol Narrows
- Bristol Point
- Brown Point
- Brush Neck
- Bryer Point
- Buckey River
- Bull Point
- Buttonwoods
- Calf Pasture Point
- Carr Pond
- Casey Point
- Castle Hill Cove
- Cedar Cove
- Chepiwanoxet Point
- Church Cove
- Church Point
- Coaster Harbor
- Cocumcussoc River
- Coggeshall Cove
- Cold River
- Cole River
- Conanicut Island
- Conanicut Point
- Cowesett Rd.
- Dark Entry River
- Dundery River
- Dutch Island
- Dutch Island Harbor
- Dyer
- East Greenwich
- East Passage
- Easton Bay
- Easton Point
- Easton Pond
- Echo Lake
- Fall River
- Fishing Cove
- Fletcher Rd.
- Flint Point
- Fort Adams
- Fox Island
- Fresh Meadow River
- Gardeners Neck
- Gardiner Pond
- Gaspee Point
- Goald Island
- Goat Island
- Gooseberry
- Gorton Pond
- Great Ledge
- Great River
- Green End Ave.
- Greene Point
- Greenwich Bay
- Greenwich Cove
- Halfway Ledge
- Hardig River
- High Hill Point
- Hog Shoal
- Hope Island
- Hope St.
- Horse Neck
- Hummock Point
- Hundred Acre Cove
- Hyde Hole
- Indian Lake
- Island Park
- Jacobs Point
- Jamestown
- Jamestown River
- Jamestown Shores
- Kickamuit River
- Lawton Valley Reservoir
- Lee River
- Lily Pond
- Little Compton
- Little Neck
- Little Pond
- Little River
- Lockwood River
- Long Hwy.
- Long Point
- Long Pond
- Mackerel Cove
- Maidford River
- Main Rd.
- Mannaquaket Neck
- Mannaquaket Pond
- Marsh Point
- Maskerchugg River
- Massachusetts
- McCorrie Point
- Metacom Ave.
- Middletown
- Mill Cove
- Mill Creek
- Mill River
- Mount Hope Bay
- Mt. Hope Point
- Mt. View
- North Main Rd.
- North Main St.
- Nag Pond
- Narraganset Bay
- Narragansett
- Narrow River
- Nausauket
- Nelson Pond
- Newport
- Newport Harbor
- Newport Neck
- Nonquit Pond
- North Kingstown
- North Swansea
- Occupessatuxet Cove
- Ocean Grove
- Ohio Ledge
- Ouonset Point
- Pachet River
- Palmer River
- Paradise River
- Passcockquix Cove
- Patience Island
- Pawtuxet
- Pawtuxet Cove
- Pawtuxet River
- Pettaquamscutt Cove
- Pettaquamscutt River
- Popasquash Neck
- Pope Point
- Portsmouth
- Post Rd.
- Potowomut
- Potowomut River
- Potter Cove
- Providence River
- Prudence Island
- Quaket River
- Quicksand Pond
- Rhode Island
- Rhode Island Sound
- Rocky Point
- Roger Williams Way
- Rome Point
- Rose Island
- Round Pond
- Rumstick Neck Reach
- Rumstick Shoal
- Sachuest Bay
- Saint Marys Pond
- Sakonnet River
- Sally Rock Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sandhill River
- Sapowet Cove
- Sapowet Point
- Saunderstown
- Sawdy Pond
- Seal Ledge
- Secret Lake
- Seniio Cove
- Sewammock Neck
- Shanticut River
- Shawomet
- Sheep Point Cove
- Silver Spring Lake
- Simmons Pond
- Sisson Pond
- Sisson River
- Somerset
- South Prudence State Park
- South Watuppa Pond
- Southwest Point
- Stafford Pond
- Stony River
- Swansea
- Taunton River
- Taylor Point
- The cove
- Tiverton
- Tiverton Four Corners
- Touisset
- Touisset Hightlands
- Tower Hill Rd.
- Town Pond
- Tuniper’s Pond
- Tuscatucket River
- Usher Cove
- W. Shore Rd.
- Wannuchecomecut River
- Wapping Rd.
- Warner River
- Warren
- Warren River
- Warwick
- Warwick Cove
- Warwick Neck
- Warwick Pond
- Washington Rd.
- Watson Reservoir
- Weaver Cove
- Weetamoo Woods
- Wesquage Pond
- West Passage
- Wickford Harbor
- Willow Ave.