Sanibel City is found in the US state of Florida on Sanibel Island. The entire island is made up of the city. In 1963, the Sanibel causeway was built to replace the ferry system. It has become increasingly important to the locals on the island to maintain a balance between developing the land and keeping its sacred ecology. In 2007, a newer and higher bridge was built, one that allowed for the passage of sailboats and the like to continue their journey without the need of a draw bridge feature. Because the causeway bridge has created easy access to the island, Sanibel has become a sought-after tourist destination due to the incredible shell beaches and wildlife refuges, which makes up over half of the island. The city and the island make up over 33 square miles, over 17 miles of which is just island and roughly 15 miles of that being water.
- Albright Key
- Bailey Rd.
- Big Island
- Big Shell
- Bird Island
- Blind Pass
- Bowmans Beach
- Buck Key
- Buttonwood Key
- Caloosahatchee River
- Captive Island
- Casa Ybel Rd.
- Casaba Canal
- Chadwick Bayou
- Channel
- Chino Island
- Clam Bayou
- Dinken Bayou
- Dixie Beach Blvd.
- East Gulf Rd.
- El Dorado Pkwy
- Fisherman Key
- Galt Isl. Ave.
- Galt Island
- Givney Key
- Green Point
- Gulf of Mexico
- Halloway Bayou
- Hardworking Bayou
- Havelock Key
- Indigo Trail
- J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge
- Jewfish Cr.
- Joewood Dr.
- Kinzie Cove
- Kitchel Key
- Ladyfinger Lake
- Lakewood Dr.
- Lighthouse Point
- MacKeever Keys
- Manatee Bay
- Mangroves
- Mason Island
- Masters Landing
- Matlacha Pass National Wildlife Refuge
- McIntyre Cr.
- Merwin Key
- Miguel Key
- Periwinkle Way
- Picnic Island
- Pine Island
- Pine Island Sound
- Punta Blanca Bay
- Punta Blanca Cr.
- Punta Rassa
- Punta Rassa Cove
- Rag island
- Reckems Point
- Redfish Pass
- Regla Island
- Roosevelt Channel
- Runyan Key
- San Carlos Bay
- Sands Blvd.
- Sanibel Bayou
- Sanibel Causeway
- Sanibel Island
- Sanibel Sand Flats.
- Sanibel-Captiva Rd.
- Shell Cr.
- South Spreader Waterway
- St. James City
- St. James Cr.
- Stringfellow Rd.
- Sword Point
- Tarpon Bay
- Tarpon Bay Rd.
- Underhill Cr.
- W Gulf Rd.
- Wildlife Dr.
- Woodrings Point
- Wulfert Channel
- Wulfert Keys
- Wulfert Rd.
- York Island