United Kingdom
The United Kingdom, made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is an island nation in northwestern Europe. England – birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles – is home to the capital, London, a globally influential centre of finance and culture. England is also site of Neolithic Stonehenge, Bath’s Roman spa and centuries-old universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
- Aberystwyth
- Achill
- Akofisk to Teesside
- Alnwick
- Anglesey
- Anton Dohrn Seamount
- Aran
- Arranmure
- Athlone
- Aviemore
- Ayr
- Balmoral Field
- Bantry Bay
- Barnstaple
- Belfast
- Belfast
- Berwick-Upon-Tweed
- Beryl To Saint
- Bideford
- Birmingham
- Blackpool
- Boston
- Bournemouth
- Brecon Beacons National Park
- Bridlington
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Bristol Channel
- Bruceys Garden
- Cairngorms National Park
- Canterbury
- Cape Cleat
- Cape Wrath
- Cardiff
- Cardigan Bay
- Carlisle
- Carlow
- Carmarthen
- Castlebar
- Celtic Deep
- Celtic Sea
- Clonmel
- Cockburn Bank
- Colchester
- Coleraine
- Coll
- Cork
- Coventry
- Crawley
- Cromer
- Derby
- Dingle
- Dogger Bank
- Doncaster
- Dover
- Drogheda
- Dublin
- Dumfries
- Dundalk
- Dundee
- Edinburgh
- Eilean Hasgeir
- Elgin
- England
- English Channel
- Enniskillen
- Exeter
- Exmouth
- Fair Isle
- Firth of Forth
- Fishguard
- Folkestone
- Forfar
- Fort William
- Galway
- Glasgow
- Gloucester
- Greenock
- Grimsby
- Guernsey
- Haddock Bank
- Halibut Bank
- Harris
- Harrogate
- Hastings
- Hawick
- Hawick
- Hoy
- Huddersfield
- Hull
- Inverness
- Inverurie
- Ipswich
- Ireland
- Irish Sea
- Islay
- Isle of Arran
- Isle of Lewis
- Isle of Man
- Isle of Mull
- Isle of Skye
- Isle of Wight
- Isles of Seilly
- Jersey
- Jim Home Bank
- Jura
- Kendal
- Kenmare
- Kidderminster
- Kilkenny
- Killarney
- Kilmarnock
- Kingbridge
- King’s Lynn
- Kinyre
- Kirkcaldy
- Labadie Bank
- Land’s End
- Leeds
- Leicester
- Limerick
- Lincoln
- Ling Bank
- Little Halibut Bank
- Liverpool
- Liverpool Bay
- Loch Linnhe
- Loch Ness
- London
- Longford
- Louth
- Lowestoft
- Luton
- Maidstone
- Mainland
- Mal Bay
- Mallaig
- Manchester
- Margate
- Middlesbrough
- Milford Haven
- Milton Keynes
- Montrose
- Moray Firth
- Morecambe Bay
- N. Uist
- Naas
- Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
- Newport
- Newry
- Northallerton
- Northampton
- North Atlantic Ocean
- Northern Ireland
- North Falls Tail
- North Rona
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Oban
- Omagh
- Orkney Islands
- Outer Hebrides
- Ower Bank
- Oxford
- Peak District National Park
- Penrith
- Perth
- Peterborough
- Plymouth
- Portsmouth
- Reading
- River Bannister’s
- River Barrow
- River Blackwater
- River Dee
- River Er
- River Esk
- River Exe
- River Forth
- River Great Ouse
- River Lune
- River Mersey
- River Ouse
- River Ribble
- River Severn
- River Shannon
- River Slaney
- River Spey
- River Tees
- River Thames
- River Trent
- River Tweed
- River Welland
- River Witham
- Rosemary Bank
- Rum
- S. Uist
- Salilsbury
- Scarborough
- Scotland
- Sea of the Hebrides
- Sheffield
- Skate Hole
- Skegness
- Sligo
- Sligo Bay
- Smith Bank
- Snowdonia National Park
- Solway Firth
- Southampton
- Southend-on-Sea
- South West Patch
- St. Andrews
- St. Austell
- St. Bride’s Bay
- St. George’s Channel
- Stirling
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Stonehaven
- Stornoway
- Strait of Dover
- Stranaer
- Sule Stack
- Swansea
- Swatchway
- Swindon
- Tain
- Taunton
- The North Sound
- The North Sound
- The Patch
- The Wash
- Tipperary
- Tiree
- Torquay
- Tralee
- Truro
- Uig
- Ullapool
- Wales
- Waterford
- Well Bank Flat
- Welshpool
- West Bank
- West Bank
- Weston-Super-Mare
- Wexford
- Weymouth
- Whitehaven
- Wicklow
- Worcester
- Workington
- Yeovil
- York
- Yorkshire Dales National Park