Western Europe
Western Europe is the blanket name given to the countries that comprise the western portion of Europe. People often use the phrase Western Europe, but there is actually no definitive consensus on what countries actually comprise it. Generally speaking these countries are always included: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Western Europe is one of the richest regions of the world, not just in a literal sense, but a historic and artistic one as well. Western Europe contains some of the oldest civilizations in the world and is where the roots of modern life took hold and evolved (think of the Renaissance, Plato, Aristotle, the Age of Enlightenment, Darwin, Adam Smith, free markets and Contemporary philosophy). It is an amalgamation of some of the most diverse and beautiful cultures the world has to offer, each as individual and important as the next.
- Aalborg
- Aarhus
- Adriatic Sea
- Afyonkarahisar
- Albania
- Alboran Sea
- Algeria
- Algerian Basin
- Algiers
- Alicante
- Almeria
- Alytus
- Ameland
- Amsterdam
- Andorra
- Annaba
- Antalya
- Antwerp
- Apennines
- Aran Islands
- Arnu
- Athens
- Austria
- Babruysk
- Badajoz
- Balearic Sea
- Balikesir
- Balmoral Field
- Baltic Sea
- Barcelona
- Bari
- Barra
- Batna
- Bay of Biscay
- Belarus
- Belfast
- Belgium
- Belgrade
- Benidorm
- Bergamo
- Berlin
- Bern
- Besancon
- Bialystok
- Big River
- Bila Tserkva
- Bilbao
- Birmingham
- Black Sea
- Bodrun
- Bologna
- Bordeaux
- Bornholm
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bourges
- Bratislava
- Bremen
- Brest
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Bristol Channel
- Brno
- Brunswick
- Brussels
- Bucharest
- Budapest
- Bulgaria
- Burgas
- Burgos
- Bursa
- Büyük Menderes River
- Bydgoszcz
- Caen
- Caernarfon
- Cagliari
- Cairngorms National Park
- Cambrian Mountains
- Cambridge
- Canakkale
- Cape Wrath
- Cardiff
- Cardigan Bay
- Carpathian Mountains
- Catania
- Catanzaro
- Celtic Deep
- Celtic Sea
- Cevennes Rhone
- Chernivtsi
- Chisinau
- Chlef
- Clermont-Ferrand
- Cluj-Napoca
- Cockburn Bank
- Coimbra
- Coleraine
- Coll
- Cologne
- Constanta
- Constantine
- Copenhagen
- Cordoba
- Cork
- Corse
- Croatia
- Czechia
- Czestochowa
- Danube
- Daugava River
- Daugavpils
- Debreen
- Denizli
- Denmark
- Derry
- Dinaric Alps
- Dnieper River
- Dnister River
- Dogger Bank
- Donegal Bay
- Dortmund
- Douro
- Drava
- Dresden
- Dublin
- Dumfries
- Dundee
- Dusseldorf
- East Bank
- Edinburgh
- Edirne
- Elbe
- Elblag
- Elgin
- England
- English Channel
- Eskisehir
- Estonia
- Firth of Forth
- Florence
- Foggia
- France
- Frankfurt
- Galati
- Galway
- Garonne
- Gdarisk
- Gdynia
- Geneva
- Genoa
- George Bligh Bank
- Germany
- Gibraltar
- Girona
- Glasgow
- Golfo de Cadiz
- Gomel
- Gothenburg
- Granada
- Graz
- Great Belt
- Greece
- Grenoble
- Grodno
- Guernsey
- Gulf of Saint-Malo
- Gulf of Lion
- Gulf of Riga
- Haddock Bank
- Hamburg
- Hannover
- Helsingborg
- Highlands
- Hilumaa
- Hjorring
- Hoburgs Bank
- Huelva
- Hungary
- Iasi
- Inverness
- Ionian Sea
- Ireland
- Irish Sea
- Islas Baleares
- Islay
- Isle of Arran
- Isle of Lewis
- Isle of Man
- Isle of Mull
- Isle of Skye
- Isles of Scilly
- Istanbul
- Italy
- Izmir
- Jekabpils
- Jersey
- Jonkoping
- Jura Mountains
- Jurmala
- Kalamata
- Kaliningrad
- Karlovac
- Karlskrona
- Karlsruhe
- Katowice
- Kattegat
- Kaunas
- Khmelnytskyi
- Kiel
- Kiev Reservoir
- Kilce
- Klafenfurt
- Klaipeda
- Kosice
- Kosovo
- Krakow
- Kristiansand
- Kriti
- Lac Leman
- La Coruna
- Lago di Garda
- Lago Maggiore
- Lake Ilmen
- Lake Peipus
- Lamia
- La Rochelle
- Latvia
- Lecce
- Leeds
- Leipzig
- Liechenstein
- Ligurian Sea
- Lille
- Limerick
- Limoges
- Ling Bank
- Linkoping
- Lisbon
- Lithuania
- Little Belt
- Liverpool
- Liverpool Bay
- Ljunjana
- Lodz
- Loire
- London
- Londonderry
- Lovat River
- Lubeck
- Lublin
- Luxembourg
- Lviv
- Lyon
- Macedonia
- Madrid
- Magdeburg
- Malaga
- Malmo
- Manchester
- Maritime Alps
- Marmaris
- Marsala
- Marseille
- Mazceikai
- Melilla
- Meuse
- Milan
- Minsk
- Mogliev
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Montpellier
- Moray Firth
- Murcia
- Mures
- Nantes
- Naples
- Netherlands
- Newcastle Upon Tyne
- Nimes
- Nis
- Norrkoping
- North Channel
- Northern Ireland
- North Falls Tail
- North Rona
- North Sea
- North West Riff
- Norway
- Norwegian Trough
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Novi Sad
- Nuremberg
- Oban
- Odense
- Odessa
- Odra
- Olsztyn
- Oradea
- Oran
- Orense
- Orkney Islands
- Orleans
- Ostrava
- Outer Hebrides
- Oviedo
- Oxford
- Padua
- Palermo
- Palma
- Pamplona
- Panevezys
- Paris
- Patras
- Pescara
- Pindus Mountains
- Pisa
- Plateau de Langres
- Ploiesti
- Plovdiv
- Plymouth
- Podgorica
- Pontevedra
- Porcupine Seabight
- Portimao
- Portugal
- Poznan
- Prague
- Pripyat River
- Prut River
- Pskov
- Ptolemaida
- Pyrenees
- Pyrgos
- Reims
- Rennes
- Rezekne
- Rhine River
- Riga
- Rio Ebro
- Rio Guadiana
- Rio Tajo
- Rockall
- Rockall Trough
- Romania
- Rome
- Ronne Banke
- Rostock
- Rotterdam
- Rum
- Russia
- Rzeszow
- Saaremaa
- Salamanca
- Salerno
- Salzburg
- San Marino
- San Sebastian
- Santander
- Santiago de Compostela
- Sarajevo
- Sardegna
- Sassari
- Sava
- Scotland
- Sea of Crete
- Sea of Marmara
- Sea of the Hebrides
- Seine
- Serbia
- Setif
- Seville
- Sicilia
- Sjallend
- Skagerrak
- Skopje
- Slailai
- Sligo
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Slupsk Bank
- Smith Bank
- Sofia
- Solway Firth
- Sousse
- Southampton
- Southern Uplands
- South Ronaldsay
- South Ulst
- Spain
- Stavanger
- St Georges Channel
- St Kilda
- Strait of Dover
- Strait of Gibraltar
- Strasbourg
- Stuttgart
- Sule Stack
- Swansea
- Swatchway
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syracuse
- Szeczecin
- Szeged
- Tagus Basin
- Tangier
- Taranto
- Targu Mures
- Tarragona
- Tartu
- Taurage
- Taurus Mountains
- Ternopil
- Terschelling
- Texel
- The Hague
- The Massif Central
- The Minch
- The Wash
- Tiaret
- Timisoara
- Tirana
- Tiree
- Tisza
- Toledo
- Tours
- Tunis
- Tunisia
- Tunisian Plateau
- Turin
- Turkey
- Tyrrhenian Sea
- Ukraine
- Ullapool
- United Kingdom
- Valencia
- Valladolid
- Vanern
- Varna
- Vatican City
- Velikaya River
- Veliky Novogrod
- Venice
- Verona
- Vienna
- Vigo
- Villach
- Vilnius
- Vinnytsia
- Vitebsk
- Vitebsk
- Vitoria-Gasteiz
- Vortsjarv
- Wales
- Warsaw
- Warta
- Waterford
- West Bank
- Western Basin
- West European Basin
- Wick
- Wolfsburg
- Zagreb
- Zakopane
- Zhytomyr